Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Wiki

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/* CSS placed here affects all users */

.mobileonly {
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/* Background Styles /* 

.page__main {
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/* Color fixes for the searchable datatables /* 

/* Changes the color of the text within the show entries table */
.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length select {
    color: #5477dd !important; /* This is the blue accent color from the Theme Designer */

/* Changes the font color for most of the font used by datatables */
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/* Testing Front Page Layout Area /* 

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/* end responsive 2 column main page layout */

/* Front page appearance styles */
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/* Template:FP links styles */
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/* Table Stripes /* 

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/* Tabber Styles /* 

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/* tabber visible content */
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/* Main page box styles */
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/* default skin for navigation boxes * Credit: Templates Fandom /
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