This article is a primer on equipment. If you're looking to search for equipment, then please see Category:Equipment.
Equipment refers to any item that can be worn in an equipment slot.
Weapons[ | ]
A weapon is an item that can be equipped and used to cause damage. Weapons are equipped in the main hand, off hand or ranged equipment slot. Class determines which types of weapons can be equipped. Weapons have broad categories, e.g: Edged, and then more refined categories, e.g: Sword. Some classes can only use certain types of a broad category. For example, Wizards can use Edged weapons, but only Edged weapons that are considered Swords.
- Delay
- A weapon's delay determines how fast the wielder can attack with it. The lower the value, the more frequent attacks can be made.
- Damage per second. In the case of weapons, this value is calculated using the weapon damage + delay.
Melee weapons are equipped in the primary hand, secondary hand or both (in the case of two handed weapons and duel wielding).
Blunt weapons are usable by every class except for Dire Lords and is the only weapon type usable by Clerics]] and Druids.
- One-Handed: Club | Mace | Stave
- Two-Handed: Great Hammer and Great Mace
Edged weapons are usable by Dire Lords, Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, Warriors and Wizards
- One-Handed: Axe | Sword
- Two-Handed: Great Axe | Great Blade | Great Sword
Fist Weapon are usable by Monks, Rogues and Warriors
Handwraps & Martial Fists are only usable by Monks.
Piercing weapons are usable by Enchanters, Rangers, Rogues, Shamans, Summoners and Warriors
- One-Handed: Dagger | Short Spear
- Two-Handed: Long Spear
Polearm weapons are usable by Paladins and Warriors. Every polearm is two-handed.
Ranged weapons are equipped in the ranged equipment slot. Many require ammo equipped in the ammo slot to function.
Bows are usable by Rangers, Rogues and Warriors
Thrown Items are usable by ???
Armor[ | ]
Armor comes in 4 types: Cloth, Leather, Chain and Plate and each armor type excluding cloth come in either Light or Heavy varieties. Some classes, such as the Ranger, only have access to the Light variety of an armor type.
Shields[ | ]
Shields are equipped in the secondary slot. There are two classifications of shields: Arcane Shields and Shields.
Arcane Shields are usable by Enchanters, Summoners and Wizards
Shields are usable by Clerics, Paladins, Shamans and Warriors
Held Items[ | ]
Like shields, held Items are equipped in the Secondary slot. Held Items trade raw defense statistics, like Armor Class, in favor of higher statistics elsewhere.
Accessories[ | ]
Accessories, also known as non-visible equipment, are those items that can be equipped, but make no visual change to the character. Every class can use accessories, with the usability varying item to item.
Belts are equipped in the Waist slot
Cloaks are equipped in the Back slot
Earrings are equipped in the the left and right Ear slots
Masks are equipped in the Face slot
Necklaces are equipped in the Neck slot
Relics are equipped in the Relic slot
Rings are equipped in the left and right Finger slots
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Below is a navigator for all equipment and weapon types. This navigator can also be found on any equipment page, for easier navigation.